A quick and easy phonics activity that helps children practice blending and segmenting. Use it every day with different letter blocks.
Head over to Mrs Ostermans’ blog for more ideas and resources on the ‘shake a day’ theme.
Send over any phonics games or resources you use at home or in the classroom and we’ll feature them on this blog.
The winner of our Draw a Monster competition for Summer 2014 is… Yuan with his drawing of ‘Creep and Deep’.

‘Creep and Deep’ is green and likes ‘Floating at the ocean’. We love that he has two faces, wings and four tentacles.
Yuan wins £150 worth of Usborne books for his school. Congratulations Yuan!
Runners up in the competition were Holly from Scotland and also Lucas from South Korea. (Teach Your Monster to Read is truly international!)
Holly drew the colourful and original ‘Mr Vlad’. ‘Mr Vlad’ likes teaching children. Here he is below in all his vampiric glory.
Lucas drew ‘Mr Grandpa’. ‘Mr Grandpa likes dancing! He also has a marvellous beard that impressed the judging panel.
Well done Lucas and Holly! You will each receive £75 worth of Usborne books for your schools.

Thank you to Micaela and Mary-Anne and the team at Kideeko for judging the game and to Teach Your Monster to Read’s illustrator Rich Wake for making the final selection!
All the entries to the competition can be found in this Facebook gallery. Thank you to everyone who entered. The monsters were out of this world!