We had an exciting day yesterday looking at a few of the prototype designs and games for Teach Your Monster to Read 2 (current working title: ‘Fun With Words’).
The new game focuses on Phases 2 – 4 of the Letters and Sounds scheme and will be covering blending and segmenting words, as well as reading simple captions.
It’s really exciting to see the new games taking shape; they include a speedy letter grabbing space race, a parachute jump and a hungry word eating Monster!
In the new game, our Monster will be journeying to new lands, finding treasure and meeting other characters along the way.
Above is a sneaky peak at one of the beautiful game illustrations for the Monster’s journey, designed by Rich Wake.
I can’t wait to see more!

We’re delighted to announce the winners of our Draw a Monster Competition. Hooray!
First Prize goes to Sophie for the beautiful winged monster above and our runners-up prizes go to Skye and Jed for creating these two cheery and colourful monsters.
Cathy at NurtureStore and her daughters had the task of picking out the 3 worthy winners, based on which of our whopping 140 entries they would most like to have as a pet. Not an easy task I imagine!
Congratulations to Sophie, Skye and Jed on winning the competition. Your prizes (a stack of Usborne books) will be sent out to you this week.
THANK YOU for the many wonderful and creative entries we received, the sheer talent and imagination out there is astounding!
To see the full gallery of monsters, go to our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.359065924185472.85413.194975207261212&type=3
Exciting news just in – Teach Your Monster To Read has been nominated for an award! And it’s a good one, too.
We’re delighted to be in the running for a BETT award, which recognises excellence in ICT educational resources. We’re up for the ‘Early Years Digital Content’ gong, and we’re honoured to be mentioned in the same sentence as some of the other nominees.
The winners – as judged by a formidable bunch of ICT teachers, educational consultants and education journalists – will be announced in Jan 2013 at a swanky black tie do. Which should be just enough time for The Monster to dig out and dust off his tux…
Keep everything crossed for us!